How Long Does a Cellulite Treatment Last?

Addressing cellulite starts with a thorough analysis, typically conducted at aesthetic centers or medical and nutritional facilities equipped with contact thermography. This advanced technology, developed and patented by IPS, helps identify and classify cellulite into its various stages (edematous, fibrous, sclerotic).

How the Cellulite Analysis Works

The cellulite analysis is simple and non-invasive. It involves placing a thermographic plate on the targeted area, and within moments, the system produces a high-resolution color image that reveals the composition of the underlying tissues. This process helps the operator understand the type and severity of cellulite, allowing them to recommend the most effective treatment tailored to the individual’s body. It also helps determine the number of sessions or treatment cycles needed to achieve lasting and satisfactory results.

Treatment Duration and Frequency

Generally, each session provides benefits. For moderate cellulite conditions, such as fibrous cellulite, significant and lasting results can typically be achieved with about 8-10 appointments, depending on the treatment method used. The frequency of sessions also depends on how lifestyle and dietary changes support the body’s natural detoxification process, muscle reactivation, and reduction of water retention.

Monitoring Progress and Tracking Results

Due to the absence of contraindications and the ease of repeating thermographic assessments, it’s possible to conduct an analysis after each treatment session. This provides a clear and tangible measure of the progress made, session by session. In some cases, fewer sessions are sufficient, especially when taking a preventive approach. Contact thermography is particularly valuable in these instances as it can detect early signs of cellulite before they’re visible to the naked eye or palpable.

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